Friday, December 29, 2006

Polla Jronia!!! (Many Years!!!)

After my arrival to Iraklion, some quick remarks:

  1. Iraklion 1 - Heatrhow 0 (they didn't lose my baggage)
  2. Greeks also have 'polvorones', called ...
  3. Manos' family has treated me great!!!
So Iraklion is a small nice city... but the archaeological museum with all the Minoan treasures is closed for 2 Years!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A day in the Town

Firs of all, I admit I am not fair and balanced: some time ago I fell in love with this city. And each time I come it seems more cosmopolite, more international, with more tourists, with more foreigners; but also keeping a certain spirit of both village and also of pride of the people whose families have stayed there for generations.

In the morning I had to wait almost one hour in queue for the Prado museum (and it is 6 Euros fee!) and I was one of the few spaniards in the waiting line!

Trip to Madrid (II): the hoodie pays off

I was just walking off the Madrid Bus Station (Estación Sur - Méndez Álvaro) with my friend Javi, who is being my host. So then suddenly and english-speaking asian woman runs to me asking 'Excuse me, sir, where is the bus station?'... It was kind of shocking that of all people on the pedestrian crossing she chose me... I think the cause was the Princeton Hoodie that my friend Diego had given me as a souvenir...

By the wasy, it's the second time something similar happens to me: I went to Barcelona to do some research, and I was reading a Terry Pratchett book, 'Soul Music'. The train was packed, rush hour. There was an Indian guy, middle aged, in the other part of the wagon. So who chose the guy to ask for the stop?

Trip to Madrid

I plan to spend a day and half doing tourists things in Madrid (such as getting insulted by locals and beaten and mugged and expoliated by taxi drivers)... So I went in the bus. Of course, since we are at a healthy 2ºC (35 F) all the bus was hermetically closed and it looked like a turkish steam bath... and I wasn't the only nerd in the bus: the guy in front of me was reading 'Feets of Clay', one of the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Step II: Tickets and Hosteling

Afrer all the fuzz for the health and the increasing of the credit card limits, I got the tickets... I got a very good offer for the two days I wil spend in Athens... Omonia Square!! Manos warned me it's a whores-and-crack place (none of which is good) and some confrontation with reality (thus, my friends that have been to Athens) confirmed that it's a place full of inmigrants and where you barely see a woman that's not a whore: just like my condo building in Oviedo

Friday, December 15, 2006

Step I: Health Care

First of all, I had to get the European Union public healthcare card... kind of funny and easy, only that I had to wait for 100 people before me... Luckily I tried to do the thingsa for the ISIC... not yet ready... But in case I fall il in Greece I know I will have the best medical attention of the country... Ew!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Welcome to My Big Fat Cretan Orthodox Baptism

Welcome to My Big Fat Cretan Orthodox Baptism. In this blog I will keep you my friends updated of all news related to my New Year's trip to Crete, thanks to my dear Manoulis!!!

Kali Nichta!